Ideal turf solutions would like to wish all our friends and customers a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday season.
As we wish you all a safe and happy new year please remember that Ideal turf solutions can be the perfect present for under the tree or Valentines gift or birthday. When the special occasion arises, wouldnt a turf putting green, bocce court, dog area, or just a beautiful turf lawn be the best present to give to a loved one. Feel free to reach out by email or phone to one of our trusted and season office staff to provide a quote for you project. With over 25 yrs in the turf industry in New England, we certainly have the experts in our field. Please take a look in our galleries for hotos of projects that might interest you for that perfect gift.
From all of us at Ideal Turf Solutions Inc. In Medford, Ma. we wish you a Safe New Year